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São Francisco do Sul - SSSS

São Francisco do Sul - SSSS

  • Aerodrome description

    O Aeroporto de São Francisco do Sul, que serve o município de mesmo nome, tem uma pista gramada e sinalizada de 700 Metros com uma aproximação espetacular por cima da Baia da Babitonga.

    Há hangares de aeronaves da aviação geral, leve e desportiva, e serve de base para o ÁGUIA da PMSC no norte do estado.

    Localizado próximo a Joinville - SBJV, no litoral norte Catarinense, é um ótimo aeródromo para a realização de belos voos visuais no seu MSFS.

  • Product information


    The scenario of São Francisco do Sul - SSSS was created with several ANIMATIONS. In this exclusive version, the doors and windows of the hangars open and close at different times of the day, and the static and dynamic objects change over time and with different climatic conditions.

    Product Specifications:

    • There are almost 80 static and dynamic Assets modeled exclusively for this scenario. Below is a list of some of them:

    - Diverse People (static and dynamic);

    - Vehicles;

    - Animals;

    - Furniture;

    - Experimental Aircraft;

    - Dynamic flag;

    - Antennas;

    - Harbor cranes;

    - Trapiches;

    - Static and dynamic vessels;

    - Fishermen's shacks typical of the region;

    - Traffic signs and information;

    - Monument - Morro da Cruz;

    - Public lighting poles around the aerodrome;

    - Track markings with tires and concrete plates.

    - Taxi tracks and several positions, fully functional;

    - PBR textures.

    • 08 Hangars and the PMSC Rotating Wing base, recreated from an "in loco" survey, reproduced exactly like the real ones.

    • Modeling of the ports of São Francisco do Sul and Itapoá (Visual reference for flights in the region).

    • Modeling of the Marina di Capri.

    • Insertion of MORRO DA CRUZ, near the Port of São Francisco do Sul.

    • Insertion of the Babitonga Bay pier.

    Enjoy this beautiful aerodrome and fly in the visual corridors of TMA Curitiba and TMA Floripa and be enchanted by the coast of southern Brazil.

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